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About us

Our support association, ZEBRA (Centre for Victims of Right-Wing Attacks – Zentrum für Betroffene rechter Angriffe e.V.), is the point of contact in Schleswig-Holstein for counselling and support about, as well as documentation of, incidents and violent acts motivated by racism, antisemitism and right-wing political views.

These acts not only harm the victims themselves, but also send a message to their relatives, friends and communities. At the same time, they fly in the face of moderate democratic values, deny the existence of universal human rights and, as such, cannot be tolerated in an open and welcoming society.

In light of this, ZEBRA e.V. was created in 2014 with the aim of drawing attention to the victims of these attacks and incidents, as well as their perspectives.

We advocate for an open society which allows self-determined, equal participation for all human beings as a matter of course. As such, we stand in solidarity against inhuman, right-wing ideologies.

In addition to the ZEBRA counselling centre, the organisation runs the following projects

The organisation is a member of