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Who do we support?

We advise and support the victims – as well as their friends and relatives – and witnesses of right-wing, racist and antisemitic attacks This includes all those who have experienced threats, coercion, targeted property damage or physical attacks because they are members of, or because the perpetrator assumes them to be members of, one or more of the following groups:

  • racial minorities (e.g. POC)

  • Jews

  • Muslims

  • Sinti and Romani 

  • people LGBTQIA+

  • unhoused or socially disadvantaged people

  • people with disabilities, mental illnesses, or addiction issues

  • political opponents (e.g. antifascists, anti-right-wing political campaigners, social workers, journalists, members of parliament)

  • any other people not in keeping with a right-wing world view

How can ZEBRA help?

We tailor our services to your needs in terms of counselling, guidance and support. If you decide to seek our help, we will work hard to advocate for your interests.

In an initial meeting, our counsellors will chat with you to work out what you need. Here are some of the services ZEBRA can offer:

  • Advice for dealing with the individual consequences of the attack and for crisis situations.
  • Accompaniment to public authorities, doctors, police and courts. This also includes support during the trial, which in turn includes preparation for and follow-up on the hearings regarding the attack.
  • Help finding suitable doctors, lawyers and therapists. We will help you apply for financial support or compensation. If necessary, we will bring your case to the attention of the public. We will advise you on various legal options and your rights, and help you exercise these.

Our counselling services are free of charge and will not result in any costs or obligations on your part.

ZEBRA also offers in-person support: You choose a location in Schleswig-Holstein and we’ll be there to help you. If you prefer, we can also assist you online.

Wobei kann ZEBRA unterstützen?

Anything you share with us will be treated confidentially. We will not pass any information onto third parties without your consent. If desired, you can even remain completely anonymous.

All ZEBRA services are voluntary: you decide what we talk about and what action should be taken.

ZEBRA’s counselling services are not associated with any public authority, nor are they contingent on your decision whether or not to press charges.

We can also arrange an interpreter for the meeting if needed.

To learn more about the principles that drive our work, see: